Cheshire Novel Prize Kids is a worldwide writing competition for un-agented, un-published writers of Picture Books, Early Reader Chapter Books, Middle Grade Books, YA and Children’s Fantasy.


CNP Kids is currently short listing and closed for entries until September 2024. Feedback will start to go out from 31st March until the 30th June 2024.

Important dates for your diary:

Shortlist announcement: 2pm UK time on 15th April 2024.

Winner announcement: 2pm UK time on 1st June 2024.

End date to receive your feedback: 30th June 2024

Agent Showcase: August 2024.

To see our 28 long-listed tittles, please go to our ‘Writing Tips” section here on the website.


How does it work?

Cheshire Novel Prize Kids is open to un-agented authors over the age of 18 at the time of entry. Self published writers may enter.

Entering any novel prize or competition can be daunting. Putting your work out there is never an easy decision. That’s why we believe that EVERY writer should receive at least a page of feedback as to why they were not long-listed or shortlisted. Some competitions offer feedback for listed writers but we think those who aren’t placed need it most.

How are we different?

We promise that three genre specific readers will read your work before a yes or no decision is made. That way we believe it helps the process to be less subjective.

Additionally, we invest in at least four industry professional judges to ensure again, that the judging process is not subjective and down to one person’s taste or preferences. We also have children from primary schools and one high school who help to decide our long-list and winner (s).

How did you decide the entry fee?

Our £29.00 entry fee is used in many ways to invest in:

  • Our card platform

  • Our CNP Kids Admin Team

  • Editors to provide feedback

  • High-quality industry specific judges

  • Schools who support our prize by reading for us

  • Prize money

  • Website and hosting costs

Receiving feedback can really help writers to realise that not only is reading subjective, but sometimes the reasons for not being long-listed have nothing to do with the quality of the work or the ability of the writer. We accept: 

·       Ages 1-5: Picture books

·       Ages 5–8: First chapter books

·       Ages 8–11: Middle-grade novels

·       Ages 12-18: Young adult (YA) novels

*Please see our rules of entry for specific submission guidelines

The latest “Writing Tips