About Us
With a rich and diverse northern soul, Cheshire Novel Prize Kids is open worldwide to adult writers of children’s fiction. We are all about giving un-agented, un-published writing talent a platform on which to make their writing mark.
Since running our adult prize a number of our shortlisted writers have received offers of representation. Many others received interest in their work as a direct result of our agent showcase. We are excited to see what Cheshire Novel Prize Kids brings.
Cheshire Novel Prize kids (CNPKids) was created by Sara Cox (@saranaidinecox ), writer and editor. Sara was awarded an MA in Creative Writing at Manchester Metropolitan University (@McrWritingSchl ).
Sara understands that writing can be a long and arduous road, where the slush pile and querying can seem insurmountable for even the most talented of writers. Passionate about children’s books and new writers, CNP Kids is Sara’s way of offering new un-agented, unpublished talent the chance to rise up and allow their voices to be heard and their stories told.
Cheshire Novel Prize Kids accepts:
Picture books
First chapter books
Middle-grade novels
Young adult (YA) novels
* Please note: Do not include illustrations with your work.
What’s different about us?
We believe that entering any novel prize or competition can be daunting. Putting your work out there is never an easy decision. That’s why we believe for the cost of our entry fee of £29.00 EVERY writer should receive at least a page of feedback as to why they were not long-listed or shortlisted. Having that feedback can really help writers to realise that not only is reading subjective, but sometimes the reasons for not being longlisted have nothing to do with the quality of the work or the ability of the writer. That is why Cheshire Novel Prize kids will provide at least one page of feedback for EVERY single entry.
Cheshire Novel Prize Kids is open to un-agented, un-published novelists only. Self published writers may apply as long as they are un-agented at the time of entry.
Submission Process
Please remember to submit your work anonymously. All manuscripts must not have your name on the document or any track changes or notes. Please remember to add page numbers.
Please submit:
Picture Books: Up to three picture books with no artwork or illustrations. We ask you to submit all 3 books on the same document with a brief overview pasted directly underneath each book. Example: picture book 1 and then overview, picture book 2 and then overview, etc.
First Chapter Books, Middle Grade Novels, YA and Children’s Fantasy: Please submit the first 5000 words of your novel with the synopsis pasted in the same document at the end of the 5000 words excerpt.
If you are long-listed, we then ask for you to send us the whole manuscript(s) for shortlisting.